Being in the newspaper business simply gets more exciting each year of its operation. New faces, new issues and new challenges all appear seemingly out of nowhere, and it's the job of the staff and editors to meet them all head on.
For the next academic year, The Campus Free Press will undergo some changes, and we hope they are all effective in bringing the community closer together. What will these changes entail? Well, here are just a few of the ideas we've got kicking around:
- A formalized style guide will ensure consistency throughout each and every issue!
- We'll be putting together an email newsletter for subscribers with content we couldn't wait to share with you all!
- We'll be hosting events and raising awareness about groups and projects we think are deserving of your time!
- We'll be working hard to make our presence in CUP - that's the Canadian Universities Press - is well known. As members of CUP, we have access to a virtual world of student news from across the country and we aim to share it with you!
- We want to look into bridging our publication to others in the province -- that means we will be working to give you greater access to our peer network!